by Constance Tucker
Planet Chill begins with the classic song “Fly Me to the Moon,” a smooth bossa nova arrangement featuring solos by guitarist Richard Forrester and pianist Tony Branco. The overall performance of this song takes the listener back to the last time they were so in love that they felt as if they had wings.
“I Only Have Eyes for You” is introduced very intimately as if you were the only one that exists in L.Zaide’s eyes, but with a joyfully, swinging ending to celebrate love. The songs “I Fall In Love Too Easily,” “Blue & Sentimental” and “Blue Moon” all feature great solos by saxophonist Jon Geever, trumpet player Gil Kaupp and guitarist Joe Lano.
The cover of the CD leads one to believe that Zaide might be a rapper or hard edge rocker, but that would be absolutely judging this release by appearance only and not by the merits contained within. Zaide is a throw back in time when crooners and love songs were the way to swoon the intended object of your affection. With a strong nod to the Chet Baker vibe Zaide’s voice is calming, articulate and well conveyed. His ability to transport the listener to moments and places in time is clearly evident on this outing.
Although the album’s philosophical concept is complex and the musical concept is dynamic, the ultimate goal of these memoirs is to remind you that although we live in this age of arrogance, pretense, violence and hate, sometimes all we need to do is sit back, relax, grab a cocktail……and just chill. A worthwhile additive to anyones collection.