Bad Flamingo, Devil and the Deep Blue Review
by: Rudy Palma
Bad Flamingo is a female country-western duet filled with mystery, both musically and for their image. The two are “The One on the Left and The One on the Right.” However, little else is known about the two songwriters, vocalists, and multi-instrumentalists. Bad Flamingo’s latest single is “Devil and the Deep Blue.” The song is representative of their classic noir vintage western vibe.
“Devil and the Deep Blue” has a swankie bass line with the added energy of percussion. The western swing is contagious as the vocal melody seamlessly blends with the instruments to create something unique. The bass sound is full as the playful female voice sings with youthful naughtiness. Layered guitars and added percussion adorn the subsequent verses and chorus. A call and response of guitars take us to the break-down and subtle vocal harmonies. The song is part indie rock and part too hip for you, country western.
Bad Flamingo is creating a unique blend of country western and indie rock. The mysterious duet have been perfecting their sound over the years. I have admired their creativity, but I have always heard the production as lacking, that is until now with “Devil and the Deep Blue.” Bad Flamingo is hip.
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